Monday, January 21, 2008

Elk Weather - Rocky Mountain National Park


Talia Reed said...

Going elk hunting, are you? I hear a license costs about $500.

Charmi said...

You know I only shoot with the camera. But I wasn't even doing too much of that. It's about 5 degrees here, a tad beyond my comfort zone. We saw lots of snowshoe hikers, though.

Talia Reed said...

If it makes you feel better, it isn't much warmr here either.

Neil Kelly said...

Is the last elk in quick sand?

Charmi said...

The little info flier I am reading says, "In preparation for the rut, or mating season, elk gather in mountain meadows. The antlered males move among the females, attempting to take control of them."

I believe rutting season is now over, and this fellow has been bested by the women. The females seemed much more energetic.