Thursday, March 13, 2008

Indiana, Spring

(Thanks to Andy for the stolen lines.)

(For Andy & Paul)

There is something about this air
heavy with loam and our nascence

scraping a bedroom window
a skinny row of pines leaning

over a barbed wire fence and the bull
brooding on the far side of the pasture

we had been warned and dared
each other to jump

beyond I promise I won't
do it again.

Run! Run!


Andy said...

Hmmm. I remember that! The fence was electric too. Run! Run! I won't to it again, I promise...


Charmi said...

As though... And you're in California. You're way beyond.

Rachel said...

I'm going to guess you were the one who jumped. :) Nice start. Authentic Charmi.

Charmi said...

Thanks, Rachel.

That bull was scary and the pine trees knocking on my window at night weren't exactly comforting. But we're not telling who jumped and who didn't ;-)