Monday, January 14, 2008

Writers' Group News

Yes, eight of just met at The Chicory last Friday, but we're doing the workshop thing again on Wednesday night at Chris O'Brien's, just in case that night suits you better. Check out the complete schedule on the sidebar.

And check this out, too: Windjammerpress is the creation of fellow workshopper Mark Sniadecki. Mark has graciously invited us to submit our work!


Mark said...

Aw, gotta love the free publicity. :)

Charmi, you'll have to tell me what you think of Rexroth. If nothing else, I highly recommend the poems "Marthe Away (She Is Away)" and "When We With Sappho".

Charmi said...

Gotta love the chance to be published!

I've barely cracked Rexroth. I'm awash in required reading, but I'll get there this weekend. I think I see the slightest bit of light!

Mark said...

No worries, you can hang onto the book for awhile. If I want to read any of those poems, I actually have his complete works as well.

Rachel said...

Ok, so I'm going to be CAUTIOUSLY optimistic and say it's possible I am NOT going to die from this flu. Also, and remember, cautious optimism is the key here, I plan on being at the writer's meeting tomorrow. I am even doing my homework for Thursday tonight just so I can grace you with my presence. You may thank me by email, phone or at my blog.