Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
No Writers' Meeting This Week!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Believing It
That Was Fun While It Lasted

Friday, January 25, 2008
Enough of That
In a little bit of serendipity, the new issue of Slow Trains came out today, with my essay! I believe the editor is based out of Denver. Funny.
Now, I'm bracing myself for the plane ride home. I would love flying, if I could only do it without Homeland Security and all those people in the plane. I swear this is the last time I'm flying. Next time, I'm going on the train.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Hitting Pause
Obviously, the saga is brand new to me, no one I know, nothing I'm tied to, but evidence of truth intrigues me. It always has. It seems we're more in love with the illusion of order than we are with truth. This isn't a new observation by any means, but those days when once again it hits me in the face always give me pause.
Attitude Sickness

And here's a picture that Ryan will appreciate, much more than I do. We've left Estes Park, the elk, and altitude sickness behind us and have settled down to do the real work of this trip, the reason we came, corporate meetings. I wish I appreciated cities more. This is Denver, from my window on the 16th floor of the Adam's Mark hotel. Some crazy guy is swimmnig in the pool below, although there is snow on the ground. Gene has run off in his shiny black shoes to do the meeting thing. I'm trying to get in the frame of mind to write. I know I should go out for the naked exploration thing, but so far I've had breakfast in the room, all brought from home: my own homemade granola, some instant oatmeal, a banana, a cup of tea. The maid is not sure what to do with me. She is from Somalia. She is wearing a hajib. I'd like to sit and talk to her for awhile, see things from her perspective, but she doesn't speak much English. I'm trying to explain that I just want the bathroom straightened, some fresh coffee packets. I don't need fresh towels, I don't need the vacuuming. She can see I've made the bed and I haven't touched those nice robes hanging in the closet, or drank the $4.00 bottle of water. I finished Walking to Martha's Vineyard last night. I didn't enjoy it as much as Ill Lit, but found this poem very striking (as usual, the formatting refuses to cooperate and I apologize, because it is important, but for the moment this will have to do):
by Franz Wright
Now I'm not the brightest
knife in the drawer,
I know a couple of things
about this life: poverty
silence, impermanence
discpline and mystery
The world is not illusory, we are
From crimson thread to toe tag
If you are not seriously disturbed
there is something wrong with you, I'm sorry
And I know who I am.
I'll be a voice
coming from nowhere,
be glad for me.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Estes Park Moon
Mike's Being Published!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Into the Great White Open
I've been buried the last few days in a slew of work, so I've missed all the finer points of life like going to class and writing and even reading blogs! One morning I didn't notice until noon that my sweater was on backwards. Of course, my family didn't notice either. They just let me be. So I guess it didn't matter. But I'm chucking it all for a few days and heading out of town. I have a free flight to Denver, which is not where I would choose to go in January if I was doing the choosing, but I'm not the one choosing, just the one going along for the ride. All that being said, I'm looking forward to the naked exploration, as Talia mentioned on her blog. I haven't been to Denver for about 30 years, (yes, I know, before most of you were born) and I don't remember I thing from the last time. So, with any luck I'm going to get caught up on my reading and writing and see a few things. I'm going to take as many pics as I can for your viewing pleasure. I have a feeling the dominate theme will be cold and white.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Manchester England - Hair
I saw Hair live at the Morris Civic way back in the day. I was pregnant with Tom, so it must have been 20 years ago. A hippy chick in the cast gave me a flower.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Writers' Group News
And check this out, too: Windjammerpress is the creation of fellow workshopper Mark Sniadecki. Mark has graciously invited us to submit our work!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Peter Pan
Q Okay. So from what I gather, you grew up in England; is that correct?
A I grew up in Ireland and I trained in orthopaedics in England.
Q I probably committed a major offense by telling an Irishman they grew up in England.
A We have the theory that no one grows up in England.
Greg Rappleye Reading
Who is not captive to some small happiness?
To love a field you can never own--the pink mist
of knapweed, the blue of chicory.
Or the heron that settles in the neighbor's pond
and croaks through the last of your dreams.
You startle awake, patting your head, glad
that you are not a minnow, darting
among the muddy reeds. How it comes around,
this happiness, like a landlord sniffing out the rent.
Not what you ordered--penny whistles, celophane hats,
those hand-crank noisemakers--but the happiness
that finds you, scrawls a receipt, says,
"You paid for this," whatever happiness is.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Open Mic, Insert...

Analecta, IUSB's literary journal, is hosting an OPEN-MIC event for IUSB students to read their creative works of fiction, poetry, drama, and creative nonfiction.
Third Floor Lounge, Wiekamp Hall
Analecta will continue to accept SUBMISSIONS for this year's issue. Information at:
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Good Stuff
Three Stories Removed
at his childhood window
and watches her tramp
in the snow, the light of
the world failing,
the earth turning cold.
His hands motion above her:
Darling, come in, come home.
Wolves are descending
from the forest. Run home.
The animals breathe
behind her. She tramps
back towards his shadow.
Her feet begin to slow.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Acting Out and Joining the Marines

"Roger Payne has been featured in over 40 documentary films for television and co-wrote and co-directed the IMAX film 'Whales.'
Monday, January 07, 2008
Writers' Meeting & Misc.
So --
The writers' group, still nameless, alas, is meeting on Friday at The Chicory at 4:00 p.m. Maybe we will be inspired and think up a name. This is Monday. You have time to write something. You should write something, I should write something, aside from one more blankety blank grocery list or tuition payment. Don't forget about our expanded horizons. Of course you may send out poetry, but don't forget that fiction, nonfiction, and misc. whatnot is also quite welcome. Also, you may bring fellow writers. We will be kind to them and not nip hard at all.
Whatever I've forgotten to say I'm sure you all will fill in.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Pachyderm Problems
Q. Did you ever get close enough to examine any parts of Billy, like his private areas? Were you able to get physically close enough to him to examine his private areas?
A. No.
Q. If you had been able to, do you have the expertise to know what signs or symptoms to look for for any particular kind of abuse?
A. I sure don't.