Friday, July 27, 2007

From The View

Every writers' get-together is vastly different from the previous ones. They all take on their own little personalities, which is cool. There were six of us at Howard Park, Chris, Naoko, Rachel C., Neil (with text messages from Chad who absquatulated to Florida) and David K., so we adjourned to The View for better beverages and the necessary smoky atmosphere. I don't think there were any plots to overthrown anything, but I might have missed that part again. Anyway, it was fun. Let me know what and when we should do something next. I'm starting to run out of ideas over here. Chris is playing at The Hearth in two weeks, which is fun to watch but not necessarily good for conversation.


Talia Reed said...

David K was there? I missed him. I haven't talked to him in quite awhile and was wondering about him. I don't think I know who Rachel C. is, do I?

Charmi said...

I was surprised and glad to see David K. That is the amazing thing about these get-togethers, you just don't know what it's going to be like, who you'll get to talk to. It's all good. Naoko told Neil, I sat next to you all that time in class and you never talked. You are very funny.

Anonymous said...

.... ha. I'm glad I was able to make an apperance.

of sorts.

Charmi said...

Yes, there was this glow about you...

Are you back from Fl?

Anonymous said...

Nice cell phone joke. Ha,ha. You got a geniune laugh. Yes I am. Where is the next meeting? I've heard the bucket has beer.. uh.. is nice. I'm angry, Neil finally showed up and I missed it.

Charmi said...

I'm still in Michigan, will be back Sunday night. Talia is in charge of planning the next thing, but I'm up to go to the Bucket anytime a few folks want to go, unless you really want the large group atmostphere. It doesn't matter to me. Let me know what works for your schedule.