In the beginning.

The Alum Cave

The trail gets interesting.

And we climb.

And the fog rolls in.

And it keeps rolling.

And the trail becomes more interesting.

But five miles later we reach the Mt. LeConte Lodge.

Our back door.

The dining hall.

Front porch.

Other folks' cabins.

So it rained during the night.
We were treated to waterfalls on the hike back down.

Beautiful, but soaking wet feet.

All in all, absolutely worth it.
Did you stay over night at the beautiful little house? I have never done hiking.
Oh, yes. We stayed overnight. You might like hiking. It's beautiful.
Yes, so beautiful!
6,593 feet. I remember when I used to hangout that low. Now, it's all 10,000 +!
When are you and the Finlander heading to the Rockies or even the San Juan's?
Man, Neil, 10,000+ is a little beyond my range! I prefer the kinder, gentler Smokies :-) Estes Park felt like a heart attack!
The only place we're going in the immediate future is the poorhouse. But the Rockies are on our mind.
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