Saturday, March 07, 2009


The blog posts are coming few and far between, and not just for me. Maybe later we'll all look back at this and say, "Oh, remember when we all blogged?" I wonder if these posts will looks like hairdos from past decades. God. Then we'll all say, "At least back then Joe had hair." Or "Who the heck is Joe?"

Spring is bringing the traveling season back. Tom & I spent a couple of days hiking in southern Indiana during his spring break. Gene is packing his bags for a short trip to Chihuahua next week, just in time for the spring drug wars. (This is what comes from having a passport.) Jojo is hoping her schoolwork is caught up enough that she can go to St. Louis in April. I wake up in the middle of the night and remember she'll only be living at home for a few more months.

It's going to be a hectic few months, but I'll schedule a writers' workshop soon.


maeve63 said...

Well, ironically I just posted a new entry after a month of no posts. I think there's something in the air. You probably hit it on the nose when you said spring. I know I had been longing for it, getting into that "depressed ready for the end of winter" syndrome. Perhaps everyone will begin anew with the onset of the spring type weather :-)

Charmi said...

I think that's true. It was a long, depressing winter this year.

I hope to see you soon. How does a Saturday afternoon FGWC sound?

Anonymous said...

I'm searching at the moment for something...facebook is beginning to bore me. I need to pick up and read again, but it's been so long since I've had time that I'm reluctant. Quite frankly, I'm in a strange mood...and have been asking myself for a few days, "what should I do?" No answer yet.

Charmi said...

Yeah, FB is a great place to connect with people, but I think the blog is really better for your creativeness.

Perhaps we all need an assignment or something? Then a workshop? Throw something out.

Anonymous said...

"Oh, remember when we all blogged?"


Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, an assignment... bring it on.

Rachel said...

Yeah, my creative life has also been faltering, mostly under the oppressive weight of papers, tests, and a ridiculous amount of reading for a 190 class. Not to mention an utter lack of motivation...I think my mind has already moved out of town. Sigh...back to the paper I'm currently flubbing.

maeve63 said...

It would be great to see you and everyone else, too. These Saturdays could work for me as long as we are done by 4:00 - 3/21,4/4, 4/18.

As for an assignment how about a chapbook? - Everyone chooses a theme, and then we work on creating 20-30 poems that follow the theme. - Each poem would have to follow a specific prompt, such as; write poem #1 on a beginning of some sort.

We could workshop the poems as we go and then when we're done, we select 20 of our favorites, put them into a chapbook and there we go...

The process (idea) is very similar to a process used on the Writer's Market poetry blog. I enjoyed it, and I think it would be fun for all, plus we would all have a completed chapbook when we were done.

Everybody could suggest, like, 5 prompts...maybe, something like that. What do you think?

Anonymous said...


What happened to your blog?