I've been fooling around for a few days at PU while Gene worked as the safety inspector for the First Robotics regional competition. I imagined I would have long days to myself in the hotel room to write, but at noon on the first day I looked up and discovered I had company -- on the fourth floor. The windows were been recaulked. Good thing I wasn't wearing that French maid outfit I usually write in... Those guys stayed with me the whole, doggone time.
Back at home, the frogs are chorusing and the osprey have returned to Potato Creek. Recent PU grad and longtime friend Marie Hamstra is now naturalisting there. Woo-hoo! Jojo, Max and I stopped in at the Hamstra abode on the way home to check out the pond Calvin is building for Marie. Yes, folks, he's digging that baby in the shape of a heart. Awwwww.

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