Do this. Really.
Jojo & I shared a room for three days.
Total Cost: $149

There are a few stairs.

Just like home.

Check out the dijs beside the couch.


The manager.

And her husband.
They're both English majors!
This is what you do with that pesky English degree.

Full kitchen at your disposal.

Book swap shelves are in the laundry room.

Recycle, of course.
I would love to stay the hotel! It looks very beautiful!
Hostel, Naoko. Are there hostels in Japan? Some of the rooms are private, but most are single-sex dorm-like rooms with bunk beds.
I think you would really like this! I'll post more about it later.
why don't you start your own budget, eco travel site. first the yurt (no, i haven't forgotten that, one day...)and now this cool hostel.
Jesus, you and Gloria would love this! The one negative on the trip, I blew out my knee after a long hike. California is not quite as flat as Indiana. Jojo says she's getting me a cane for Christmas.
Congrats to JoJo! It looks so cool...all except for the "single-sex dorm-like rooms with bunk beds." Um, no.
Of course, I doubt anybody's surprised about my reaction to that. ;)
Those trees rock!
so that's what to do with my degree in English. thank God. I'm just about burned out with this social work thing.
Yes, DS, they looked pretty happy...
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