Saturday, September 01, 2007

Cow Aid

I almost forgot - forgive me, cows - I promised my cousin Jennifer I would pass this plea around. Two cows in Chicago are looking for a home with a sympathetic vegetarian farmer type that will not turn them into food. They are currently located at a petting zoo outside of Chicago. Their names are Snowball and Coco. If you know of anyone...


Anonymous said...

Pet cows? I'm sure they'd be welcome in my Starke Co. neigborhood, but I have a hard enough time remembering to feed the animals I already have.

Charmi said...

Come on, now. Hadley needs a couple of cows! How do you think I ended up with four goats?

R. Sanford said...

Your comment on Talia's blog regarding carnivores very honestly made my night. Oh Charmi!

I'll be present Wednesday, by the way. I know that everyone was dying to know that I'd be gracing all with my presence, so now the matter is at rest. I'm assuming we're meeting on the barside?

Charmi said...

Yes, the bulls. Hard to irradicate.

I'm definitely glad you're going to be there. It sounds like we're going to have a decent turnout. That will be very nice. If the weather is decent I'd like to be outside, but whatever is comfortable.

Rachel said...

I'm hoping to be there. Unfortunately, I am quite possibly sick unto death as of this morning, so we'll have to see. But Ryan, I do appreciate you putting my mind at ease; I haven't been able to stop worrying that you might not make it. :)

Charmi said...

I hope you're feeling better by Wednesday, Rachel. It should be fun.

Rachel said...

I'm hoping I will be, too, Charmi. I really want to come...I feel somewhat better today than I did over the weekend (why do I always get sick on holidays and breaks?)

However, it turned out I was not sick unto death...I am still alive and kicking and getting better slowly. Now if I could just quit smoking, these little colds wouldn't hold on so long.

Charmi said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. I think as soon as everyone gets together at school they pass the germs around. But do try and investigate whatever you can do to stop smoking. The tobacco companies have enough money, they don't need your lungs thrown on the stinking pile.