Monday, September 08, 2008


Writing is going oh-so-slow lately, but the walking is going well. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it, too. I mean, look, I found all these forks in my path the other day and not one bite of cake. Not one!


Talia Reed said...

Great post. Writing is not happening for me. Not just because I'm busy but mostly because I'm out of the habit. I am reading currently, which will lead me into writing an article. Also, this morning on my way to work I thought of 3 things I wanted to write about and while, driving, told myself I would write them down as soon as I got to work...but you know how that goes and now I can only remember 2 of them.

Charmi said...

I guess I am just muse-less at the moment, but I keep trying. I, too, am reading tons, cleaning up old stuff, and submitting. But eventually I'm going to need some new words on paper that I'm happy to say are mine!

You're going to have to master the art of writing and driving ;-)

ds said...

looks like somebody didn't pick up all the forks. or was just short on ambition. this was a prank up north. a bunch of kids with time and plastic forks do this in somebody's yard. 600 times. like tp-ing. or soaping.

Talia Reed said...

I'd much rather pick up forks than toilet paper.

Rachel said...

My muse is sleeping off a bender somewhere. Either that, or she has decided to take a vacation out of the country to get away from the politics. COME BACK, MUSE.

As to the forks, completely unfair. Where there are plastic forks, there should be cake. It's only right. I'm sorry you were subjected to cake-less forks this way.