Friday, August 01, 2008

The Redwoods & Planes

Despite my best intentions, I'm setting foot in a couple of airports again. I couldn't even keep that vow for a year!

Jojo has fallen in love with a college in California, a place called Humboldt in a town called Arcata. It's far to the north, next to the redwoods and the ocean.

Since I'm a tree girl, I can't argue with the redwoods. One of my friends told me they are spiritual and wise and they will change our lives. I don't doubt it. Brace yourself. Large tree poetry will be forthcoming! Maybe some of their wiseness will rub off on me. Or maybe my skin will start looking more bark-like...

I'm not sure about the ocean thing. I've always been a Lake Superior fan. Who needs all that salt, anyway?

It's a little heart crushing to think of Jo that far away. Here we go again, huh? I'll try not to whine as much as I did when Tom left for college, but I'm not making any promises. Look how it went when I said I'd never fly again!


Talia Reed said...

My friend just came back from Lake Tahoe and sent me some pictures...and it occurs to me that I've never seen trees like that! Oh my!

California is a long way away...but you have to trust that Jojo is what you made her. (Easy for me to say, right? I've got a good 15 years)

Charmi said...

Well, Jojo is Jojo and she's ready to go. And I won't mind visiting the redwoods.

Jennifer said...


Wow, I've always wanted to see Redwoods too! Brad and I are serious tree huggers!

Andy said...

Driving directions to Arcata, CA
310 mi – about 5 hours 42 mins to my place. Not a picnic drive, but better than drive back to Indiana!

Charmi said...

Jennifer - yes, like Gene told me years ago, they'll want to leave us and we'll want them to leave. Think of it, sex w/o the fear of a child knocking on the door ;-)

I'm still planning on the fall plant exchange, so you and Amelia can come and pet the goats...

Andy - Jojo is already planning her first Thanksgiving out there with you guys. I guess you'll be seeing a lot of us! Not this first trip, though. It will be short and sweet. Maybe she won't like the redwoods. Hah!