Friday, June 06, 2008

The Mrs. Thing

I almost called Diane Rehm today. It's no secret where my political allegiances reside, (this isn't about that) but I do have a small complaint on the other side of the fence. It pisses me off when Hillary Clinton is called Mrs. Clinton. Yes, we have to distinguish her from Mr. Bill and Ms. Chelsea, but she is Senator Clinton. Why do I hear Mrs. Clinton and Sentator Obama in the same sentence? And no, I never would have voted for her, but that's not the point. How are we, as in all of us, going to move forward if we keep clinging to the Mrs. thing? Grow up and get over it.


Talia Reed said...

Now see, I don't think it's such a big deal. I've heard her called Senator Clinton more than Mrs. Clinton. But on another note, ever since she first started "officially" running for President, I thought it was so cool that she could run simply "Hillary." You know, like Madonna, or Cher. Very cool.

Charmi said...

It wouldn't be a big deal if the men were addressed in the same way, Mr. Obama, husband of...

Talia Reed said...

OK. But let's face it. Hillary wouldn't be Hillary (as in Senator from New York, etc. if she weren't first married to Mr. Pres. Clinton)

But in genreal cases, I do see the value in going by Ms. rather than Mrs. or Miss.