Sunday, June 22, 2008

I See

Q. Okay. How did you fracture your ribs?
A. I was lifting a big bag of kitty litter out of my pickup truck and I was pressed against it and they just cracked.

Q. Did you ever have a discussion about installing moss at some point in the yard?
A. We both loved moss, she wanted it, I knew she wanted it, certain places where she wanted it. We tried to get it to grow. I knew she had a desire to have moss.

Q. You mentioned your teeth. Did you hit your mouth on anything?
A. I hit my head on a camel.


Mark said...

That moss quote will haunt me all day, lol.

Charmi said...

Yes, I liked that one, too.

Talia Reed said...

Those darn camels and kitty litter bags.