Friday, June 06, 2008


Sometime in the last week, without my knowledge or permission, my house was moved to the bayou. I just woke up and found everything had shifted. South. I expect to see an alligator on the lawn at any moment. Maybe he'll eat some of the weeds, aerate the grass with his claws, smile at me.

The insurance company totalled the car. We bought a brand new Honda Civic, only the second new car in 23 years. Hopefully it will last a while, like long enough to get paid off, long enough to have Tom & Jo buy their own cars, long enough that the next car will get 100 mpg. The kids are banned from driving it until it has its first ding. Shouldn't be long.

On the good side of life, I got a rejection notice today. Seriously good. For a rejection notice I was very pleased. "Charmi, thanks very much for letting us read your work. We cannot use it in the next issue, but please send more work in the future. I particularly liked "Weather Permitting". Thanks!"

Hell, yeah. I mean, that helps, doesn't it? At least one poem out of five was good enough to not completely embarrass me out in the world! And it's an older one. It's always a challenge for me to come up with enough poems to send out that batch of three to five that everyone wants to see. Gentle rejection! Woo-hoo!


Talia Reed said...

Congratulations on the lovely rejection, which can sometimes be frustrating to know you made it that far, but make a note and send to them again.

I always send the minimum amount of poems--usually three--because there are so many, so many places to send to.

Charmi said...

Thanks, Talia. No, I wasn't frustrated at all, just happy to have such a nice answer.

I don't know why, but this mag wanted either five or six poems. That's frustrating, because I only have five or six poems I'd even consider sending out! I'm not exactly Speedy Gonzalez.

Anyway, I'm happy enough to send out some more this week.