Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Christmas Card

It's Christmas card season. Do you do that thing? We do, usually late, but nevertheless... If it was me, I'd completely shirk the duty. But Gene always comes through and gets them out. He has a good sense of tradition and community. Later this week he'll take this photo and have it made into a card. I'm thinking about the text to go with our faces. It's tricky. We all have that one friend who is completely over the top. But that's okay. Each year we wait anxiously for that letter, dying to see how this year can possibly top last. That letter came last week at our house. It was a little disappointing. I've come to expect too much, I suppose. I was primed for the announcement of a Pulitzer or the like. Alas. There's always next year. None of that has helped me write my tastefully understated lines, however. Maybe something along the lines of "The Happy Couple Tours A Distilllery. And many happy returns."

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