Wednesday, November 03, 2010

The Weather

Apparently, we've turned the corner. The weather feel more like pre-winter that delicious fall. The birds are all in a tizzy. Five bluebirds found their way to my walnut tree, four guys and a gal. She had it going on. Fourteen coots were swimming in Baugo Creek. Red bellied, downy and hairy woodpeckers have returned to my suet feeders. The juncos are back, and the mourning dove, and the house finches. I saw the blue heron in Baugo Park. This is my consolation prize sent to counter the impending snow. Today on my walk I wore my gloves.


Jennifer said...

We saw the coots too coming out of the baugo area, but there were about fifty. I've never seen a coot before either. Juncos haven't been here but I'm WAITING for the bluebirds!

Charmi said...

I saw coots for the first time this winter in CA. I had no idea what they were, although apparently they are common. But they haven't been common to Baugo, that I know of.

I wish you luck on the bluebirds. I think they're attracted to my honeysuckle & the rain barrels.