Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Water Log

We'll call Summer 2010 the Water Log. So much and yet so little going on. I feel like a woman waiting patiently for no one to arrive. In between the raindrops and the oil reports, I've been reading many so-so books of poetry. There are a few exceptions, which I've posted, but mostly it's, why post the so-so? I've been writing, too, but my writing also feels so-so, or not quite authentic, or something along those lines. Apathy might be the word I'm looking for.

Despite the rain and the apathy, however, I've been walking the dogs. After we put Max behind us, we adopted another Pet Refuge dog, a s36-pound slip of a girl, sweet and loving, nine months old, without an agressive bone in her body, unless you're a fly. She is Elimae. She and Sylvia the Weim and I have been tearing up the walking paths twice a day. I can't be sure, but I think my butt may be acquiring some tone.

I've also become intrigued by Twitter, not necessarily the tweeting part, but the being tweeted. I found the The Poetry Channel a few days ago, which apparently has all sorts of videos of poets reading. It might be worth a perusal. Here's today's offering: Michael Rosen. I appreciate his passion, you know, his animation.

Today I'm writing a poem that features Paul Bunyan and Little Bo Peep in a Peach Orchard. That's how the summer is going to go.


SarahJane said...

Hi Charmi,
It's sad to get that shipment of poetry books and find them all so-so. I've been there. And I'm also not enjoying anything I've written lately. And laziness has taken over. Maybe it's just summertime?
Glad to hear you got a new dog. Gibt es ein Bild?

Charmi said...

Hi Sarah,

I've been enjoying the poems you've posted links to. Your work is incredibly solid. Seems like it's almost time for another book!

I finally posted a pic of the new pups.

Maybe summertime laziness has taken over. I don't know. I'm working on finding a publisher for my long erasure, which is absolutely the worst part about being a poet, in my opinion!

SarahJane said...

I agree. Good luck!