Friday, November 14, 2008

Upon Request

Back at home, it's lunchtime.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the pictures. How many more leaves have fallen? It looks completely covererd again.

Charmi said...

No worries, that picture is a couple of weeks old. You've already raked those leaves. The front yard looks great, but all the leaves are off the trees and the side yard is covered. If you get bored over Thanksgiving...

Rachel said...

I saw a duck today with one crippled foot. He was hobbling across Riverside Drive in front of my car. Then, he turned and headed for my car. I thought of you. Then I backed up and went around him. He has been in my head all day. I miss you.

Charmi said...

I'm so glad you were thinking of the duck! We'll get together soon. It's almost monster cookie time ;-)

Talia Reed said...

My grandpa has spent his life trying to prevent those (insert creative expletive) squirrels from eating the birds' dinner.

Charmi said...

Yes, many folks are very committed in that area. I think whole industries have been created for such.

But see, I'm so amused by these guys. I figure they're earning their meal.

Jesus Moya said...

monster cookie + stout= heaven

Charmi said...

Soon. Maybe Thanksgiving weekend. I need the help of strong arms for all that stirring.

Rachel said...

Yes, I will be more careful about being pulled into "baking cookies" with Charmi in the future. My arms are still sore from last year. Charmi, I would love to come, but we need at LEAST one other pair of arms. :)

maeve63 said...

I think the squirrels are awesome. I love watching them, they're so funny sometimes.

Talia Reed said...

A huge oak tree, big enough to completely destroy most of our house, is visible from the bay window in our bedroom. Bonita sleeps under the blankets and the first thing she does when she wakes up is look up--out the window for squirrels. Just the word--and she starts her slow, liitle growl. In the summer, she creeps up on them. I'm not sure what she thinks she'll do to one if she ever managed to be quiker--I think they're bigger than her.

Charmi said...

The squirrels have discovered that I keep the birdseed on the front porch. I also feed my outside cats on the front porch. Some mornings they're all out there together eating their breakfast, side by side.

Talia Reed said...

Oh! A picture of that, please.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you haven't raked your leaves, either.

Charmi said...

Yes, and now they're covered with snow.