But I did walk around the parking lot. I didn't bring my bird book, but I believe the trees are full of cedar waxwings. They're as numerous here as the cardinals I have on my bird feeder at home.
I also saw a magpie, but my gloved hands (cold, cold, cold) weren't quick enough to get a good picture of it. It had fun getting me to chase it around, though. Maybe tomorrow I can sneak up on it. I've never seen a magpie at home, that I can recall.
After I spent some time chasing the birds I turned around and realized I had my back to some wonderful snow-capped mountains. I'm always looking the wrong way.
I've seen a Cedar Waxwing once. It was on the IUSB campus; the east entrance of the Admin bldg. They're very pretty birds. I don't think I've ever seen a MagPie
We get gaggles of waxwings at our house. They're so beautiful and classic looking. We discovered they like our hackberry trees, which we have all over. When I had my garage sale they were flitting all around us and even landing mere feet from us.
have a wonderful time Charmi. I'm so envious...a place i've always wanted to go
Terri - I have to find out more about the magpies.
Jennifer -- Now I must have a hackberry tree!
Louise - Yep, you must try to make your way to Alaska. Hopefully over the weekend I'll have some good pics to post.
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