Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Benefit Reading - Sunday

This is a great opportunity for you to get out someplace close to home (Kalamazoo) and hear some great writers reading - all in one place. My goodness, it will be better than going on an African safari, much better than going to the zoo. In-between the writers reading there are going to be bands and a silent auction. And of course there is the microbrewery beverages. And a partridge in a pear tree. I have room in my vehicle for 1-2 more. Send me an e-mail. We'll leave early afternoon, approximately.

Check out the schedule. These are folks you really should see.

The Schedule:

All-Star Reading Part I (4 p.m to 5 p.m.)

1. John Rybicki

2. Rodney Torreson

3. Jackie Bartley

4. Jack Ridl

5. Susan Ramsey

6. Greg Rappleye

7?? Liesel Litzenberger

8. Gail Martin

9. Elizabeth Kerlikowske

10. Con Hilberry

All-Star Reading Part II (6 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.)

1. Bonnie Jo Campbell

2. Nancy Eimers

3. Nina Feirer

4. David Dodd Lee

5. Diane Seuss

6. Bill Olsen

7. Andy Mozina

8. Danna Ephland

9. David Marlatt

10 Julie Moulds Rybicki


Anonymous said...

I really want to meet Greg Rappleye. He's so nice. Some day. I'm glad you guys are there to represent IUSB. (So don't do anything stupid).


Rachel said...

This is a Sunday event for which I might actually leave my house. Although I must admit, I am terribly lazy on Sundays - even more so than on other days. I haven't even been able to drag my ass to church, even for the evening service.

Charmi said...

I wish you could come, Talia. I think it's going to be fun. As far as stupidity goes, I usually don't plan my stupidity. It just happens. But I'll try hard to act intelligently.

Rachel, of course you must come. Let me know if you need a ride or would like to follow along or whatever.

R. Sanford said...

I would like to come, representing IUSB, and do something utterly abhorrent, just to make Talia embarassed. :)

Unfortunately, per usual, I will be working. Have fun, guys.


Charmi said...

I think Talia should compile a list for us, just so we know what's expected. I always remind my kids of the cardinal rules whenever I leave for a few days: Clean up your mess and no new animals. I figure that covers enough ground. Wild parties fall under the "clean up your mess" rule and becoming pregnant or getting someone else pregnant falls under the "no new animals" rule. So far, so good.