Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Lament For The Makers



Anonymous said...

Frank Bidart has a (long) poem in June's issue of "Poetry." I just read through it last night...very Bidartish.

Charmi said...

I like some of his stuff, but it doesn't always totally engage me. Bring "Poetry" to the picnic so I can glance it over, if you don't mind.

Anonymous said...

I will. I'll bring you a few back issues too. I usually pick it up because it is so cheap $3.75 and issue, they print monthly, and it gives me a chance to read a variety of poets. They also often have interesting discussions going on about poetry. I also have a Denis Johnson fiction book that you can have if you want. I bought it on Amazon thinking it was poetry. I tried reading it, but it is just too detailed and not the sort of fiction I like.

I think you might like Susan Mitchell, too. I'll bring that and you can borrow it if you want.

Charmi said...

Sounds good. I like Denis Johnson a lot. He's too detailed for you, huh? Now I'm wondering what you meant when you said my story had amazing details ;-) Maybe that's not such a good thing...

The sirens finally stopped sometime last night, but I don't think the fire is out yet. The news said it will probably burn until next week. I've gotta get moving and see what's going on.

Anonymous said...

No. I like details. I guess I'm just having a hard time getting interested in this sort of newish fiction that reads like layers of life, like snapshots, etc. I tend to prefer something written at least 40 years before I was born. All of what I read was good, but just not my style.

Charmi said...

Like snapshots. That's interesting. I'll have to think about that. I don't know that I will always tell a story in this manner, but this particular story lends itself to that.