Thursday, September 14, 2006

An Accident Waiting to Happen

Another day, another dollar, another list of 101 things I definitely shouldn’t say. Make that 102. Damn.

The woman was just being friendly. She wanted to know what he liked to read. He hemmed and hawed. “Well, what do you mean?” “Well, you’re an English major. You do like to read?” “Well, yes, but what do you mean?” He got lucky. People started coming in, we all laughed at the intimacy of what the woman wanted to know, asking the poor man to strip naked so we could examine his soul. But he’s young. He’ll adjust. In the future he’ll remember to always put on clean, impressive underclothes. Or maybe he'll even have the audacity to feel comfortable with his own skin.


Jesus Moya said...

Well put Charmi- I never thought of it like that even though I work in a library and sometimes people are reluctanct to talk about what they're checking out.

It's funny really, the things we let in and then guard, how intimacy can be attached to things such as books. Hm.

Charmi said...

Yes. I don't know that it's necessarily true that we are what we read, but sometimes it feels a lot safer to keep our reading list a very private thing. Heck, what you read can get you invited places or banned for life! I have the nagging feeling I'm on the road to Banishment. I hear they have a killer library and lots of writers there.

Charmi said...

Audacious reply. Now we're getting somewhere. And you thought I didn't care.


Jennifer said...

I guess I'm one of those that enjoys hearing about new books I could possibly read and ones that I haven't even heard about. It is how I make out my list of "books I need to read" and "books that sound interesting." I don't mean to expose the one questioned, but myself, to other works.