Usually around this time of the year I post the top 20 or so poetry books that I've read during the year. This year, I'm afraid, my poetry appetite has been a little diminished. There are more choices than ever and less and less that I desire to read. It's been, by all accounts, a personal Low Poetry Year. So be it. I read a few and I'll clue you in to what I found worthwhile, in chronological order, of course.
1. Chromatic - H.L. Hix
2. Diving Into the Wreck: Poems, 1971-1972 - Adrienne Rich
3. Song of Myself - Walt Whitman
4. The End of Beauty - Jorie Graham
5. All of the Above - Jim Daniels
6. The Coldest Winter on Earth - David Dodd Lee
7. Show and Tell: New and Selected Poems - Jim Daniels
8. Horses Where the Answers Should Have Been: New and Selected Poems - Chase Twichell