It's been a rough week. For six years the Keranen family has enjoyed the company of Max dog who Jojo adopted from Pet Refuge. During the day Max was my constant companion, my office assistant, and my friend. He was well loved by family and friends, however, he was also a fierce hunter of small animals. Many possums have met their maker at the jaws of Max.
Yesterday as I came home from walking the dogs I encountered ambulances next door at my grandfather's house. I rushed my dogs in my back gate and ran to find out what was happening. Grandfather's story is fine. He suffered a little dehydration and is on the mend. Unfortunately, the gate must not have latched properly and Max & Sylvia escaped and ran through the subdivision across the street, where Max encountered a small dog. His hunting instinct kicked in and he killed the dog in front of two small children and their mother, who it's fair to say are fairly traumatized. We had to put Max to sleep. We're all in shock, devasted by the loss of our good friend and devasted by the harm he has caused.
I would love to post pictures of our friend Max, but if I did I'm afraid I couldn't return to the blog. I hope we don't have to feel this much pain again for a very long time.