Friday, June 15, 2007

Mental Complaints

The saga of the creepy man down by the creek continues, not my made-up story, but the real one. I’m still making up my mind whether he is mentally handicapped or mentally ill. There is definitely something mental about his nature. The short story is he’s a 20-ish guy on a bike who circles around me several times while I’m back in the depths of the trails. Yesterday I met another lady who has noticed this same fellow doing this same stuff. She won’t walk alone. Saturday he jumped down off the overpass behind me. Today he circled around and hid behind some cattails watching me. He’s not exactly sneaky. It pisses me off because now my own mental walks are destroyed. He’s not going to keep me out of the woods, but now I have to take a dog or something and I can’t moodle. I made a report at the park office, just in case, but I suppose I should just chase him down one day and smack him or something for being such a jerk.


Anonymous said...

Be careful.

Charmi said...

See, that's precisely why I'm pissed off. If I constantly have to be careful and worry about creepy guy I can't think at all. I should have just gone up to those cattails and confronted him like I do my kids, "So, I see you're standing in the cattails again. Do you want to come out of there and behave yourself or am I going to have to shoot you?" I'm usually a much gentler person, but there are times I contemplate violence, a little blood, especially when my quiet time is interrupted.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. My husband is always giving me a hard time about never trusting people, always being afraid, etc. But its like, hmmm, do I feel stupid for being too careful, or should I feel stupic about being too stupid? We can't be who we want to be.

Charmi said...

Yes. I agree. But I usually err on the side of optimism.

BTW, I'm about a mile as the crow flies from the big fire in Elkhart. Sirens going on this past 24 hours, roads blocked, we're under seige. Today wasn't too bad, but now the wind has shifted my way. I'm thinking about being optimistic about that, but I don't know.

Vince said...

I love that:

"There is definitely something mental about his nature"

I just love that line.


And so there is something mental about all our nature. The mental nature of our lives. Sounds like a soap opera, and maybe most of the time it is. It's a twilight zone and a light house zone and a huge hole in a vaporous ozone.

The mental. I love it.

Anyway. How have you been Charmi?

This is Vince.


Vince said...

I love that:

"There is definitely something mental about his nature"

I just love that line.


And so there is something mental about all our nature. The mental nature of our lives. Sounds like a soap opera, and maybe most of the time it is. It's a twilight zone and a light house zone and a huge hole in a vaporous ozone.

The mental. I love it.

Anyway. How have you been Charmi?

This is Vince.


Charmi said...

Vince! Good to see you, or whatever it is that happens electronically. I've been fine, walking, working in the garden... How about you? I hope you're coming to the picnic on Friday. It should be fun.